Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Monday, July 18, 2005

This is the Muddle East

Are hotels all over the world surprisingly inept, or just here? We ordered breakfast to our room this morning, two of the "Healthy Breakfast": Bircher muesli, yoghurt, sliced fruit, dried fruit, nuts and fruit juice - yum. Sophie asked for tea, I asked for coffee. What did we get? Three weet-bix, toast, a bowl of yoghurt and two pots of coffee. Ok, at least they got our fruit juice right, and the grapefruit turned out to be the pink variety, which is extra nice. But what the f*#k is going on here??? We had to call reception to get the rest of our breakfast delivered, and even then only ended up with about 1.5 servings - hopeless! I don't want to seem like too much of a whinger (but you know I am), I just want to highlight the simple things that get bungled. In Amman, the driver dropped us at the airport, but he dropped us at arrivals instead of departures. Speaking of Amman airport, there's free entertainment in the carpark (as in Petra town, too): stray kittens playing around a tree. Mmm, very cute, but kinda sad, too. We saw many stray cats in Jordan, most of them quite young. Passed a pack of stray dogs on the way from Petra to Amman, as well as a dude hearding his goats, one of the dogs even had a go at the car.


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