Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Monday, July 11, 2005


Wow. First impressions on the drive from the airport to the hotel are that Cairo looks amazing! Gritty sand-coloured highrise apartments and accommodation that range from squalor to passable are everywhere, interspersed with mosques, churches and other European architecture. Busy roads with lots of honk and tooting, everyone weaving in and out of each other, miraculously without crashing.
Saw the pyramids and sphinx yesterday: they're not very impressive in real life. Hah, sorry! Museum of history was pretty cool, though, there's so many pieces from temples everywhere that reach quite high that it's like walking through an actual temple at times! Had dinner at a cool restaurant that was a little like a cross between Momo and the Supper Club, but not quite as elegant. Must dash, more later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! J,
Liked your way of wrting, when we met on plane you were trying to wirte something, you should keep doing it, your comment on looking at pyramids in real life is not that exiting is an anticlimax to everones dream that they should have a real look at the pyramids. wish you the best for the remaining period of your holidays.
keep in touch bye!

7/21/2005 9:27 pm  

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